
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One of Our Beautiful Boys

Krissy's sister-in-law has become quite the photographer.  When I first met Jena, she was just starting to explore her photography passion.  It's been so fun to watch her skills develop and blossom.  Her photo's of the boys always take my breath away.  This one is no exception.  I just love the bokeh.

This is Austin in all his curly glory.  I still don't know how she got him to stop for a minute, cause this is one energetic and frequently contrary kid.  Somehow she magically captured his most amazing feature.  Oh, those eyes!

You can check out more of Jena's work at McShane Photography on Facebook.


  1. Oh my! Those eyes!! He's going to be a heartbreaker some day!
    Great photo : )

  2. Cutey.

    She's a good photographer!

  3. I love the way he is framed in the shot. Definately a keeper - both the photo and the boy!

  4. Drat! Does anyone have one word that they always spell wrong? Mine is 'definitely'. See comment above.

  5. Lindalou, that is a fantastic photo! and what a beautiful child.

  6. Thank you so much for the shout out! We are both so very lucky to have these two amazing boys in our lives. Love you all!!

  7. She's good. I've taken tons of pictures and I know I could never get a shot like this. You really have to know what you're doing to get a shot like this. Thanks for the heads up onMcShane Photography, I must check it out.

  8. That is a breathtaking photo, everything about it! LOVE the eyes and yes, the bokeh is perfect.

  9. This is really a beautiful photo of a beautiful little boy!
