Tonight is my High School Reunion. It's been 35 years, which seems impossible. How in the world could that much time have passed? It seems like only a short time ago I was an awkward teen-ager stumbling around in ridiculous platform shoes and bell bottoms. (That could have been last Tuesday too!)
This is a picture of the school...doesn't it look more like a prison then a high school?
I went to a small Catholic School in Dearborn, Michigan. It closed one year after we graduated, which I always felt was a great loss. Not only for all the kids that weren't able to graduate from there, but also for us.
You see, we have no annual Homecoming Game to go to anymore and nothing feels like football more than a crisp fall Sunday afternoon. (Yes, we always played our football games on Sundays. Seems rather contradictory as it's the Sabbath and all, but when you don't have your own football field and you have to borrow the Public School field....you take what they give you and they always gave us Sundays.) Still to this day, I love high school football games. Although, those lame things they call floats, have nothing on what we accomplished.
I've been a big instigator in this whole reunion. Which makes me not only excited to see my old friends, but also a bit nervous as I hope the caterer does a good job and there's enough decorations. You know it's been a long time since I've hung crepe paper. (Just kidding...no crepe paper, although now that I think of it that would be pretty funny). Just stressing some of the details even though I know, no one will care. I guess that's just the organizer in me.
There have been some great aspects of planning this reunion already. First, I started a blog in support of our class and the reunion. I had been wanting to start blogging earlier this year and used the reunion as an opportunity to test drive one. (I used Word Press for my Reunion Blog.) If you want to go stop by and check it out feel free. Here's the
link. Creating this first blog, gave me the courage to start up Our Mush Push, which has been one of my favorite things this year.
Second, it's been fun to be a part of people reconnecting. For example...Mike and Ray lost touch a few years after graduation and now they are emailing and planning on a reunion of their own. That just feels good.
In addition, some of the email exchanges have been great. My current favorite was one written by Dan to Ray and Roland, where he never referred to them by name but by numbers. They all still go by their football numbers. Hysterical or what. The male mind is fascinating. I don't understand it... but it's still fascinating.
Hopefully, the next post will be about the great success of the event and not my complete failure as an event planner.
Also just realized the title of this post might imply something a little more 70's than I meant. It literally refers to my hope of not trip over my own feet.