
Friday, June 26, 2009

My One Perennial

I'm not the a super flower grower. I find veggie's a little easier to grow. Several years back though, I did plant this Blue Clematis on the side of my house. I thought it would like nice climbing up the side of my house. Despite my ignorance, it's done pretty well.

I likey. You likey?


  1. I'm quite ignorant about a lot of things, but still can't grow a clematis. Yours is simply gorgeous, foliage and flowers. And I see your Lamium 'Beacon's Silver' is doing well.

  2. Donna...I don't really do anything with this plant other the occasionally water and fertilize. I really can't believe, with your green thumb, that you can't grow one of these. It must like the North side of my house.
